
Protecting Your Most Precious Asset, the Family:

Top Ten Suggestions for National Policymakers

1. At the highest constitutional, executive, legislative, and judicial levels, expressly recognize the truth stated in Article 16 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: that the family is the fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by the state.

2. Establish national and local policies, procedures, and programs that proactively promote marriage, encourage parents in their roles, empower the natural family, and inculcate family values.             

3. Assess proposed legislation, regulations, policies, and procedures in light of their potential impact on marriage and the family.

4. Promote curriculum, media, and entertainment that uphold family values, and encourage leaders from all sectors of society to strengthen marriage and the family and supporting values.    

5. Encourage private-sector initiatives and organizations that strengthen marriage and family and protect mothers and children.     

6. Ensure that your UN delegations have a clear mandate on issues relating to family policy, and that your capital monitors their activity and voting in UN meetings.

7. Insist upon the right of the family to protection by the state (as recognized in the Universal Declaration) when your delegations are confronted with so-called "rights" initiatives that would actually encroach upon the rights of the family as the fundamental unit of society.    

8. In joining consensus in UN negotiations, insist on making all reservations necessary to protect the family and marriage.   

9. When your nation is up for review in the Human Rights Council and before the ECOSOC committees, insist on the priority of the rights of the family as stated in Article 16 of the UDHR as the best way of resisting pressure to implement anti-family measures.

10. Communicate and collaborate with other like-minded pro-family nations and delegations to make the greatest difference possible in preserving, protecting, and promoting the natural family as the ideal place for children and the fundamental unit of society.